Key Findings Fact Sheet - This document highlights the key findings of the meta-analysis and provides a quick overview of the study results
Whey Protein Brochure - This brochure, designed specifically for clients and patients, helps tell the story behind the growing body of research on whey protein, as part of a diet higher in protein, and its effects on body weight and body composition.
Powerpoint - This tutorial Powerpoint presentation, complete with suggested talking points, discusses the meta-analysis in detail and provides an in-depth look at the growing body of reseach surrounding the effects of whey protein, as part of a diet higher in protein, on body weight and composition.
Whey Protein Tips/Fact Sheet - This fact sheet provides a quick, at-a-glance overview of the benefits of whey protein and shows how clients and patients can incorporate whey protein into their diets and healthy lifestyles
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